Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting ready

We have spent the last few days gettnig ready to go back to Russia to pick up our son, Malachi. We have purchased all of our tickets and looks like we will be returning on or before the 24th of December. Like our Pastor Ty said, maybe we should have been more specific when we prayed to have him home by Christmas :). I (Jason) still have to get one more peice of paperwork notarized because the notary messed up the last time and we got to get our fingerprints run for the 3rd time, how exciting!


  1. That is going to be a difficult Christmas gift to top.

  2. The Crumrine's have taken the 'comment' award! :) So excited for you. I've bookmarked your blog, so we'll be checking it often. Happy Holidays, mommy and daddy!
