Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day Two

Wow, what a day, for all of those who read the end of the story first, I will start at the end, we got our court date, its tomorrow the 3rd, at 230pm (Tomsk time). Just after midnight tonight for most of you reading this.

We started the day off going to see Malachi this morning at 10am. We showed up to his room to pick him up and he kinda started whining. The thing that got him to stop was me mimicing him, but hey, whatever works :). We played with him for about an hour and a half and then dropped him back off to his group. He was holding the wand for the bottle of bubbles he was playing with and when i tried to take it from him, he told me "Nyet". I'm sure it wont be the last time I hear him tell me no. We had a good time with him today, he definately seems like he is warming up to us.

After the baby house we went shopping for some "Russian" food, such as pringles, bread, cheese, cookies, soda and water. Very nutrious, we are.

We were picked up at 330 this afternoon to go to our preliminary court hearing. I am not sure if their goal is to scare us or not, but every thing they tell us about court, scares me. All in all the preliminary hearing went well. There was some arguing about a specific document and whether or not the court would accept a copy. In the end i think the judge "encouraged" the prosecutor to accept the copy so we could move on. The whole time they were talking about that document Barbara and I were both praying that the prosecuter would accept the copy :). Basically she was confused about the grant deed and what it is, surprise, so am I. We made a statement and are hoping that will appease the judge and prosecutor that we actually do own our home. Tonight we are spenidng our time writing up statements that we will say in court tomorrow. Barbara is going to give the factual statement and I am going to give the emotional statement. The emotional one is shoter :).

Well I guess I should actually get started on my statement now. This will probably be the last blog update until after court, so please be praying for us. Oh, and if you want.. email us please :) @ thetankfamily@gmail.com.


  1. J, you the emotional one? WOW, I for sure would have never thought it!

    Love you all!


  2. Wishing you the best of luck in court! I am sure it will go well. Hope you all get to come back early.

