Friday, December 5, 2008

Picture post

It's Barbara today, catching you up on the latest news with our little Malachi:) As you can see in the pictures it was "warm" enought to take the kids outside at the baby house. It was definitely comedy watching all those kids bundled up, falling over themselves in the snow. This is Malachi's group (about 14 in all). We especially would like to pack away those 2 kids in the individual pictures (blue snow suit boy and pink/grey snow suit girl) and take them home with us. Malachi seemed pretty uncomfortable the whole time we were out there as you can tell from his face... maybe it was the 18 layers of clothes he had on under that jacket. All in all, we had a pretty good morning with him. The afternoon was a little more difficult... he wanted to be in his class. As with most 2 year olds, he has cooperative and uncooperative times.
For those of you counting days, as I know my mom has, next Friday will be our tenth day following court. We asked today for a timeline and were a little disappointed to find out how much more time we will be here. Although our 10 days are up Saturday, of course we have to wait for Monday to have the judge sign the paper (yes, more paperwork!) Then, it takes at least 2 days to get his birth certificate and passport before we leave here. Our representative here works fast and will get all that done as quickly as possible, but we're waiting on other people to get things done so, the day we leave here is still unknown... Wednesday (12/17 I think) at the earliest, Friday (12/19) at the latest. Then we go to Moscow to the US Embassy, it would be wonderful to get in there Wed and then we could take care of business, but if we arrive Friday, we would have to wait for Monday again....this business takes a couple days too. So, no plans are definite, but there's the best update we have.
Jason and I cannot get home soon enough. Only your emails, you guys keeping us entertained on AIM in the middle of the night (our night), and Facebook messages are keeping us sane. We just have to keep reminding ourselves why we're here... even when Malachi doesn't seem like he wants us to be here, we know it's for his good and we can't wait to bring him home and see him grow and change.


  1. He looks like the kid in Christmas story who keeps falling over with all those layers of outerwear. We love getting these updates, especially the pictures.

  2. You may have to find some snow to wean him of so he can used to California weather.LOL. You'll probably not want to go to cold climates for a long while. We look forward to the updates & new pics. Kerry asks every day if there is anything new?? Hope the days pass quickly and you can breathe sighs of relief to be on your way home with your son. Love you.

  3. So darn Sweet!! Glad to see that it warmed up there, looks toasty ;-)

    I love his little babushka fur rimmed hoodie.

  4. Seeing these pics definitely took me back to The Christmas Story, too. Sooooo cute those kids are! Can you sneak a few of them in your suitcase for us, too? :) They are stinkin adorable. I can't imagine what it took to get all those kids bundled up and ready to go outside like that. I can never complain again about having a hard time getting shoes and a sweater on for my girls to go out. :) Oh what different lives people live all across the world. So interesting, but makes me sure appreciate So Cal! :) Counting down with you!

  5. Congratulations. I love seeing the photos and hearing your story. My hubby and I attend CSCF about twice a month and we are both very excited for you.

  6. Hang in there guys, and know that we love you and we're counting down the days till you arrive home! Thanks for the updates, its so cool hearing your everyday adventures, helps us "be there" with you both =) We're praying things go smoothly over the next week, and that you return home safe and sound! Give hugs to Malachi, or "ki" as Taryn says
    Love, Jim and Les

  7. Hi Guys, you look great as momma & papa. We are praying for your quick return with our new grandson (well kindof) Man does it look cold!
    Love James & Mary
